“Come as You Are” in Kunsthalle Basel •̩̩͙* ˚✬
“Shells of Visibility” in Atelier Bella •̩̩͙* ˚✬
“Please Hold” in Austellungsraum Klingental, •̩̩͙* ˚✬
“Homes. Die Mehrzahl von Zuhause” in Kunsthaus Baselland, •̩̩͙* ˚✬
"Live Reduction" in Swiss Art Awards 2022, •̩̩͙* ˚✬
"Public Possession" in Amore •̩̩͙* ˚✬
"Non Chemical Outpost" with Faltpavillon •̩̩͙* ˚✬
"Migration, Power and Pristine Reservoir Counters" in "Life, Love, Justice". •̩̩͙* ˚✬
"Receiving Shadows Emanated from our Nose". •̩̩͙* ˚✬
"The Almost Perfect Town". •̩̩͙* ˚✬
"Kleine Reparaturen". •̩̩͙* ˚✬
A4 Drawings/2012-2017. •̩̩͙* ˚✬
"Saga Candado". •̩̩͙* ˚✬
"Octubre de 2015". ahi
"No Importa Mi Nombre". •̩̩͙* ˚✬
"Alexis Brisa". •̩̩͙* ˚✬
"La Tormenta Mas Loca del Mundo".
"Rio de las Tres Rutas".
Miscellaneous (soon)